Online Dreamgirl Adult Miss Liberty Adult Costume- Green: Large

Dreamgirl Adult Miss Liberty Adult Costume- Green: Large

Dreamgirl Adult Miss Liberty Adult Costume- Green: Large You certainly have the freedom to wear this costume! The Adult Sexy Miss Liberty Costume is a costume that resembles to a tee the Statue of Liberty given to us by the French in 1886. This costume features a dress a headpiece and a torch. The short teal dress is similar to the one that the Statue of Liberty wears. The dress is rouched just like the dress on the actual Statue of Liberty. The headpiece to this costume are the seven spikes that the Statue of Liberty wears on her crown. The finishing piece to this costume is the teal light up battery powered torch. You have all the liberty in the world to purchase this costume trust me. Take this sexy costume and promote your freedom for our country!

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Price Offer :: $26.99